In Core Phase, Field Trip Ideas, Love of Learning

Today, on facebook, the newsfeed was covered with pictures of kids donning new backpacks and their brand new clothes. It’s the first day of school for many children in my area.As usual, we’re having a great day exploring our interests. Each of our kids started off by eating breakfast, then working on their “to do list,” which includes cleaning areas on the inside and/or outside of the house that we agreed on during family and one-on-one meetings.

Once these things are done, they start working on what inspires them.

This is what inspired my kids this summer:


At the beginning of the summer we found ourselves going on an unexpected, though often dreamed of, trip to Mesa Verde and 4 corners since there was an enormous fire in our area.

We also threw in some Life of Fred, Barton Reading and Spelling lessons, and worked on cub scout/boy scout requirements. So, you could say we never really stopped learning this summer.

Your Turn

Did learning ever stop during your summer? What did you do? I’d love to read about your experiences.

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